Word #18 is
STILL . And, instead of just planning to do this challenge, I decided to do it right away. I grabbed what I had on my desk and around it for this page. Okay, so the fact that I have my easel right next to the desk helps with the paint, but other than cardstock I did not have any papers to use. So, this layout consists of :
Plaid "Apple Barrel" acrylic paint
Art Studio by Battat watercolor and acrylic paints
Sharpie marker
Crayola crayons
Glue Stick
The Paper Company cardstock
File Folder (for backing)
After painting the background the paper was wonky, so I used an old file folder to straighten it out.
The word "still" made me think of a few different things. The word was supposed to be meant as "still" in the since of time ... not as in standing still (though I am sure it would not have mattered if I chose to use it that way). I first was thinking that I still love to get messy, painting and crafting. So, I started slapping some paint down, and when I painted the heart I thought about my family. I thought about how it still amazes me that everyday I can love them even more. Each little thing they do endears them to me. My daughter dancing and singing along to YouTube videos of her favorite songs. Her little feet pressed up against the shower door. My husband snuggling our son. My daughter and son together. Watching Katie do her own crafts. And the pic of her in my sons bassinet reminded me that she is still my baby. Be still my heart? NEVER! Grow and grow!!!